Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Message From Our Dear President, Tim Sim.

Dear brothers & sisters-in-Christ,

A new year has dawn upon us.
May we allow ourselves to be used as the Lord's vessels to serve Him and bless all that He places in our paths. Let us be the salt of the earth and the light of the world in 2011.

Here's a message from our dear President, Tim:

        Hey everyone! If you're reading this, it means you've successfully survived the re-opening of school, and the beginning of 2011. Congratulations! :D

        Welcome back to school! Don't complain. Have fun while you can, study hard, do your very best in everything you put your hand to (as long as whatever it is you put your hand to is within the law and our school rules :P) and Christians, glorify God in everything you do.

        I'm sure we're all both excited and dreading the year at the same time. New class, new friends, old friends, sports, homeworkhomeworkhomework, clubs, societies and whatever else there is. For the Form 3's and us old form 5's, we are about the most academically terrifying years of our lives thus far. In everything you do though, remember to glorify God be it through your studies, sports, behaviour, and other co-curricular activities.
        Anyway, again, WELCOME TO A NEW YEAR. And welcome back to an old school, for everyone form2 and up. Christians, don't be afraid to stick to your principles even when the going gets tough. Remember, it's easy to love someone who does you kindness. The character of a real Christian comes out when he or she can love someone who does them wrong the way God loves us. Time to start standing up and standing out, guys (girls too!).  :D

Your brother in Christ,
Timothy Sim

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