Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 25th : CF Meeting - Camp Testimonies

Dear Brothers & Sisters – in – Christ,
There is CF meeting this week.
CF Camp was a tremendous blessing to many of us.
Join us for a blessed time of sharing with one another (especially if you missed it) the wonderful
and experiences from the CF Camp.

Date: Friday, March 25th 2011
Time: 12.45pm – 2.00pm
Venue: Block F

Look forward to seeing all of you this Friday J

Naomi JJJ

Sunday, March 13, 2011

CF CAMP 2011 : Mac 16th - 19th - Camp Checklist

Dear CFers,

School break is here & CF Camp is in 2 days :))
If you missed the Camp Briefing, here is the checklist of things to bring and what not to bring for the CF Camp 2011 :

Please bring with you :

1) Your humble and willing heart & mind to camp.
Come and yield yourself to the Lord's words. Be touched by the prayers, praises & worships.
Prepare your heart, mind & soul to receive His blessings. Remember to bless & encourage one another with His love throughout the camp days.

2) Bible, notebook, stationary
Take notes during devotions & sermon sessions. Receive the message from our Lord & Holy Spirit.

3) Suitable & decent "pleasing in the Lord's eyes" clothings for 4 days & 3 nights stay ie:
Lets dress to please the Lord and not wear clothes which reveal one's flesh indecently.

- Appropriate clothings for indoor & outdoor games.
Ladies, please wear decent track pants & dark tees. NO spaghetti strap tops & tubes and NO shorts or pants which are too short & revealing.

- Appropriate clothings during all sessions in the hall and at all times during the camp.
Keep the Lord in mind when we clothe ourselves daily. Let it be pleasing in the eyes of our Lord.
Ladies - NO mini skirts, short pants, tubes, spaghetti strap tops, mini dresses, halter tops.

- Costume for the special nite event - Theme : Your favourite cartoon character.
Your costume must reflect 3 characteristics of your favourite cartoon character.

4) Money - less than RM60 for tuckshop purchases, emergencies including RM25 for camp tee-shirt.

5) Blessings for ANGELS & MORTALS.
- Each of you will be an angel to a mortal. You are to BLESS your mortal with gifts, encouraging messages, positive actions without revealing your identity. Bless & be blessed in return. You can purchase your gifts from the CF Tuckshop at camp.

6) Water bottles - to prevent from being dehydrated

7) Watch / Alarm clock - keep track of time & be punctual at all times

8) Footwear - sports shoes(games), slippers & sandals

9) Plastic bags - keep your dirty laundry

10) Bath Towel

11) Torch light, insect repellant & umbrella

12) Mobile phone & cameras - these are brought at your own risk

Please do NOT bring :
1) Illegal items eg alcohol drinks, cigarettes, weapons, etc
2) Games - cards, board games, PSP
3) Magazines & Music gadgets - CDs, MP3, iPod, Discman, etc
4) Excessively valuable & expensive items & devices.
5) Cold & icy hearts that aren't using their left ventricle.

Please be warned that Camp Authorities reserve the right to send naughty, disobedient campers home.

CF Camp Commandants : Timothy Sim, Amanda Soh & Heidy Quah.

** Mac 16th - Please be at the Taman SEA Tennis Court (behind Grace Assembly) at 11.30am sharp for Registration of campers. Be punctual so that the buses can leave for camp as planned.

** Mac 19th - Buses expected to reach Taman SEA Tennis Court at 3.30pm. Please inform your parents to pick you up at this time.

This camp is organized by Asian Youth Ambassadors.

Naomi :))