Actually, we're having 4 bake offs which are all going to be headed by 4 different seniors at 4 different centres, and very much so, 4 different days of the week.
so to those of you baking enthusiasts who've already signed up, you can be sure that you're in for a wonderful time of
but to those of you who were equally as enthusiastic, but just couldn't reach for the pen buried deep under the big rugby team of friends, FEAR NOT. we can sure use all the help we can get. just get in touch with one of the seniors eg, tian xi, ken vyn, ry-ann, or elena.
All in all, do not let your excitement for this event make you lose sight of the objective of this CF Baking Session 09.
which is, of course,
To Raise Funds to Sponsor Our Non-Christian Friends to Attend CAMP 2010!
so let us Bake hard, Sell hard, and Pray equally as hard too.
Together, lets commit this event into God's hands.
and remember that what we're doing now is to Bless others, just as God Blesses us.
i 'Batter' see you there,
geddit?? batter-better? :)