Saturday, May 24, 2008

Prayer Meetings are back !

good news, GOOD News !

CF will be able to have prayer meetings again !

I'll post up the days and stuff for the respective forms

but i can tell you that it'll probably be held at the pavillion


good news, right?


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This week there will be no CF..

so we'll see you next week !

we won't be meeting until after the holidays

so have an awesome holiday !!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hellloo there Cfers !

Thanks to all of you who helped

make lovely cards for our
lovely teachers !

There will be no CF for the next two weeks
(9/5, 16/5)


but check the board to see if we're back on the 23rd of May !

God bless and Study Hard ! :)